Patriot Party Radio
Patriot Party Radio
Mouthpiece of the Patriot Party
  close is a support resource of the Patriot Party.  We will
explain why it is separate from “,” the main party website. is the “bible” of the Patriot Party.  It explains the party platform with analysis, argues for essential strategies and tactics, explains them in detail,
and is the place to go to become a member, Delegate and Manager.  In contrast, is the “mouthpiece” of the party.  It features summaries,
visuals, talking points, instruction, news, commentary and inside information. 
   Patriot Party Radio is a necessary supplement to the main party website for
at least three reasons.  First, the independent media cannot spend a lot of time researching a story, and we can’t afford to answer in real time every question posed
by every member of the media.  Reporters, editors and producers need the basics
and quick.  This website answers their questions 24/7, and with 100% accuracy. 
   Second, Delegates and Managers need information regarding the “Patriot Party Delegate Elections System.”  Here they will find guidance on qualifying for and
selecting their Local Team of Managers, when and how to vote, when and where to meet with fellow Delegates and more.  Patriot Party Radio will keep them informed
and offer advice along the way. 
   Third, members need crib notes on the key characteristics of the Patriot Party if
they are to inspire friends, coworkers and neighbors.  By visiting Patriot Party Radio, members will become resident experts on the Patriot Party and the political debate. 
   Best wishes and happy discovery.